The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers |
Radioactive methods for detecting concrete imperfections and steel locations |
第一作者 |
2008/06 |
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineerings. |
第一作者 |
2008/06 |
清云教学卓越期刊 |
以协同教学提升通识课程的教学品质—以清云科技大学为例 |
第一作者 |
2008/06 |
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry |
Kinetics of Cs adsorption/ desorption on granite by a pseudo first order reaction model |
第四作者 |
2008/03 |
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, |
Comparison of different methods to determine the retardation factor of 137Cs transport through granite in column experiments |
第三作者 |
2008/02 |
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry |
Sorption and diffusion of HTO and cesium in crushed granite compacted to different lengths |
第三作者 |
2008/01 |
Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
Adsorption of Se species on crushed granite: a direct linkage with its internal iron-related minerals |
第一作者 |
2008/01 |
the Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities by American Society of Civil Engineers |
Examining Duct Leakage on PC Bridges via a Multiple Neutron Sources Method |
第一作者 |
2007/12 |
Journal of Bridge Engineering(by American Society of Civil Engineers) |
Crack Condition Evaluation Approach for the Deteriorated Girder of RC Bridge |
第一作者 |
2007/09 |
中国土木水利工程学刊 |
钢筋混凝土结构物内部钢筋及缺陷尺寸之放射线检测 |
第三作者 |
2007/09 |